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Energizing Miracle Shampoo 250ml

Categories : Bath & Body
Type : Hair Care
Series : Rambut Rontok
Rp 297.000 tersedia


Mild cleanser replenishing thinning hair prone to loss. Vitamins and the natural extracts of Ginseng, Capparis Spinosa and Watercress fortify hair while cleansing the scalp. Our special formula of Vitamins A, B, C, F, PP, and H, the essential oils of Rosemary and Mint, and Panthenol fortify hair by activating and stimulating the micro-blood circulation up to hair follicles. The extract of Ginkgo biloba inhibits the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, restoring health to lackluster hair. Our fortifying shampoo strengthens hair while preventing loss.

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